/* * Change Log for 2.0 line of jQuery BlockUI Plugin * Examples and documentation at: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 M. Alsup */ 2.31 (06-JAN-2010) - call onBlock even when not using fadeIn option 2.30 (06-JAN-2010) - Added onBlock callback 2.29 (10-DEC-2009) - changed how layers are appended (per jQuery 1.4a testing) //$([lyr1[0],lyr2[0],lyr3[0]]).appendTo(full ? 'body' : el); var layers = [lyr1,lyr2,lyr3], $par = full ? $('body') : $(el); $.each(layers, function() { this.appendTo($par); }); 2.28 (02-DEC-2009) - fixed removeData call for "history" data (hat tip to Stephen Richard for catching the error) 2.26 (09-SEP-2009) - fixed bug in Growl CSS (discussed here: http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/5c03405b82b31f55#) 2.25 (29-AUG-2009) added support for jQuery UI theming @see http://jquery.malsup.com/block/theme.html 2.24 (23-JUN-2009) change 'remove' selector to handle odd errors reported in ie6/7 where unblock fails els = $('body').children().filter('.blockUI').add('body > .blockUI'); fix tab stops 2.23 (21-JUN-2009) finally got to the root of IE8 issues on some Vista machines with weird UA strings 2.20 (19-MAY-2009) add 'cursor' as overridable property for overlayCSS 2.19 (18-MAY-2009) add 'onClose' option to $.growlUI (per request from MorningZ) fixed all opacity usage to pass floats instead of strings 2.18 (29-APR-2009) added option to force iframe usage in non-IE browsers (handy for covering applets) added 'bindEvents' option so default event-binding behavior can be disabled added better defaulting of iframe src to deal with IE performance and security issues (thanks to Jorge H. N. de Vasconcelos) 2.17 fixed iframe src to work with https (thanks to Mojahedul Hoque Abul Hasanat) added auto-unblock when invoking block() 2.14 fixed fadeOut bug in growl impl 2.13 added $.growlUI convenience fn 2.12 fix NPE bug with parentNode fixed centerY bug added fadeIn option added timeout option added showOverlay option 2.10 (10/22/2008) - added 'quirksmodeOffsetHack' to fix vert scroll in IE for pages rendered in quirksmode @see: http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/36640a8730503595/2f6a79a77a78e493#2f6a79a77a78e493 2.09 (09/16/2008) - added 'blockUIOverlay' class to the overlay div so that it can be styled with css 2.08 (06/11/2008) - fixed 'too much recursion' error on FF/Safari when unblocking 2.07 (05/15/2008) - added 'onUnblock' callback option 2.06 (05/12/2008) - restore element's position style when unblocking - add focusInput option to disable the auto-focusing of the first input element 2.05 (05/12/2008) - fixed selector in remove function (ie6 doesn't support body > .blockUI syntax) 2.04 (04/30/2008) - fixed error when unblocking (data.el has no properties) 2.03 (04/28/2008) - expose option for setting base zindex (baseZ) - allow explicit message positioning (centerX, centerY options) 2.02 (04/07/2008) - change selector in remove fn as it was not always working according to field reports 2.01 (04/03/2008) - use event delegation in bind fn 2.00 (04/02/2008) - rewrite - dropped support for Opera 8 - dropped support for DisplayBox